Permit me then to suggest the character of this dramatis persona:
1. i feel kinship with all manner of autistic little creatures
2. i enjoy many things macabre and Gothic
3. one of my special interests is a catch-all ranger/woodsman/huntsman
theme/character type, both historically and in fiction.
this is probably my longest standing special interest and the related
interests that fall under it are ranger's apprentice, lord of the rings,
bowmanship, swordsmanship and woodcraft.
4. i consider myself a writer and an illustrator but i have like. a lot
of hobbies. this website is a passion project as i have always enjoyed
messing about with tech
5. i'm from a rural area which informs a lot of my perspective. while
i've not worked on a farm i'm very interested in the history of cowboys
and other people who tend land and livestock and would love to work
on a station or farm for a season at some point.
6. my political views are that it should not cost money to be alive.
community is the way forward and nothing should be behind a dollar
sign. help selflessly and love radically. and diy forever
7. that which i cannot convey through text is below conveyed in image